Pro-marginados is a non-profit organization created 30 years ago aiming to reduce poverty and raise equity among the most vulnerable population. In order to do so, the Organization has created the house refurbish program, an initiative that has allowed several families to obtain a new home and improve its previous life conditions.

Flores del Lago is aware of the importance of such initiatives, therefore we are happy to have worked alongside Pro-marginados in the case of the family Naranjo Rivera, beneficiary of the house refurbish program. Due to the program, the family has received a new home that was also furnished with some other house materials, such as sheets, beds and kitchen tools.

In order to guarantee that families can keep their homes, Is extremely important that the beneficiary families undergo a thorough selection process, which allows the organization to bring a proper aid according to each case and taking into consideration each family needs.

The program has helped four families so far and is expecting to increase this number on 2016. To know more about this initiative we invite you to visit their Website.