On December 14 1999, FONLAGO was born of the hands of 5 employees who soughts an alternative to access credits and other financial services in a more flexible way. Fifteen years later, thanks to the hard work and commitment of its members, the fund has grown to have 288 active associates, not only among Flores del Lago’s employees, but within other companies such as Toro Palacio, Inversiones Juan Luis Toro, Hortensias Reales and Montealto.
Since the beginning FONLAGO has fully committed itself to its associates. Therefore is always making efforts to provide them with the best services and benefits. Through all this time it has provided assistance and benefits to the employees and their families in the way of:
- Assistance to stimulate studies.
- Assistance for house refurbish.
- Assistance in case of the death or the Associate’s total inability.
- Burial financial assistance.
- Scholar Kits.
- Among others activities directed to improve its associates lives conditions.
Furthermore in 2014 and the first trimester of 2015, FONLAGO has given economic assistance valued on $ 7’480.000 for academic studies and burial financial assistance for $ 3’300.000. This year loans have exceeded the $696’000.000 and the money was used for home renovations, vehicle purchase, study loans and, overall, to boost the associates quality of life. On the other hand, on 2014 the employees savings reached $ 275.000.000 and the yields given to them reached $ 41.759.000. In the future FONLAGO aims to be able to facilitate their associates house loans at the best interest rate to continue helping them to fulfill their dreams. All of this has been possible thanks to its directives leadership and strong conviction, next to their associates loyalty which has given meaning to the fund social and professional commitment.
Flores del Lago is aware of FONLAGO’s importance and that is the reason why has always supported it. An example of it is the annual donation to the fund in order to help with its maintenance and the extra money given to make a raffle between the employees every year.